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Ladybug Lifecycle


Stage 1:  Eggs

A female ladybug searches for a safe place with plenty of food for larvae to feed on once hatched.  Ladybugs can lay up to 2,000 eggs per year.


​Stage 2: Larva

When the eggs hatch, the larva look like little black alligators with orange on their backs.  They are in the stage for 2-3 weeks and have an extremely large appetitie.  Ladybug larvae each up to 75 aphids per day. Once they've eaten enough, they will attach themselves to a plant.​


Stage 3: Pupa

This stage lasts 8-12 days.  This is when the ladybug becomes inactive on the outside,but is undergoing a biochemical process that breaks down the larva body and develops into an adult ladybug.​


Stage 4: Adult

Adult ladybugs eat up to 50 aphid or pests in a single day.  Ladybugs DO NOT EAT VEGITATION.  They are most effective when released before an pest population becomes too large.  Apply them early to allow them enough time to eliminate your pest problem.​​

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