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Garden City Ladybugs


About Us

We are a family-owned and operated small business.  As fourth-generation ladybuy harvesters and distributors, we have the knowledge and experience to provide you the highest quality ladybugs available from the wild! 


Providing Premium Live Ladybugs from the Northwest

Why Ladybugs?

Today people are buying ladybugs to release in their gardens and greenhouses and an alternative to harsh chemicals and pesticides.  Ladybugs are particularly useful predators against aphid and spider mites.  These pests are major tormentors of year-round greenhouses that stay warm and humid. 

Ladybugs will stick around and protect your garden or greenhouse once released as long as there is a food source for them! 

Ladybugs are mostly known for their aphid diet, but they also provide great organic pest control against other soft shell pests such as these:

- Whitefly

- Scales

- Mites

- Mealy bugs

- Broccoli Worm

- Tomato Hornworm

- Bollworm

- Cabbage Moth

- Thrips

- Potato Leafhopper

- And Many more!

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