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Care and Release Instructions

Ladybugs ship to you in easy-to-release packaging, and with simple steps will thrive in your garden or greenhouse


When Delivered

Always keep ladybugs refrigerated if not releasing immediately.  NEVER put them in the freezer.  Release ladybugs within 2-3 weeks of delivery for best results.

Release and Care


Water down the area of release just before sunset.  


Release the ladybugs just before sunset.  They will get cozy for the night.  When the sun rises, the ladybugs will slowly start moving about.  Once they see they have a good food and water source, they will stick around!

Pest Control

We recommend doing multiple releases over time to ensure all pests and their eggs are eliminated.  

Ongoing care

To ensure that your ladybugs stay hydrated and cool, we recommended to water down the area before sunset.

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